
The Lincstech Group strives to protect the global environment when by formulating an environmental policy, and promoting manufacturing that aims to reduce the environmental impact of our products throughout their entire life cycle.

Basic approach

We will fulfill our social responsibility by working to realize a sustainable society in harmony with the environment as one of our top management priorities.
We will establish an organizational structure and regulations to clarify our role and responsibilities relating to environmental preservation.
We will comply with environment-related laws, regulations, and ordinances, etc., and formulate our own voluntary standards, as necessary.
We will strive to reduce our burden on the environment at all stages of our business activities
We will endeavor to develop and provide advanced and highly reliable technologies and products that contribute to solving environmental and energy issues
We will strive to disclose information and actively communicate with our stakeholders.
We will educate our employees on how to protect the global environment to raise their environmental awareness, and we will actively promote public relations and social contribution activities

